S.C. Eco Lemn
                  Products S.R.L.
Head office and production:

Caransebes, str. Balta Sarata
no. 1 / A, Caras-Severin County,
zip code: 325400.

Tel: 0040 255 517 775

Fax: 0040 255 518 816

Mobile:0040 745 157 760
0040 744 501 232

E-mail: pin@ecolemn.info
Web: www.ecolemn.info

Working point:
Otopeni, str Oituz no. 12,
Ilfov County, zip code: 075,100.

Tel: 0040 744 622 705

       subscribed and paid:
      21.874.910 RON

Working point:
Otopeni str. Oituz nr.12.
Contact options
We are at your disposal for any details about our products (price, features, ways to pay). To order please contact us on the phone numbers displayed below.

Copyright 2010 Eco Lemn Products SRL